Saturday 1 December 2012

Worlds AIDS Day

Today on the 1st of December we have a International AIDS Day.

It's really hard to understand what a problem for the humanity is AIDS. You should be really happy person if you haven't met such a person. It's hard to imagine how should feel the members of the family where someone got HIV. His/her life changes..

Ukraine has one of the greatest statistics of this desease in the world. Why? I can't understand that fact. Where is there is the brain of that people? Why aren't they thinking even about themselves? Is it really so hard to wait for a couple of minutes and buy condoms? Is it so hard?

If you think thta it's easy to live with HIV/AIDS - you're wrong. Your life changes. You should try to live in big safety. Why? Because even a little problem with health could cause great problems. Your immunity system is very low. And every problem can cause death..

I really advice everyone to think about your future. Lov should be safe.

Think about yourself, trust in your partner - use protection!!

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