Saturday 3 November 2012

Me, Freud and ukrainian feasting

The material tat Id like to sare wit you mainly is devoted to te electins in Ukraine, tat ave place on te October, 28 2012.
I'd like to share some information about the candidate of the radical political party - Oleg Liashko.
In my point of view, his adds were very interesting for anlyze for every political analitic.One of his main ideas was the promise to do feastin all deputies, who vere stealling "the rich of the ukrainians."
Below you can  see how is TV adds looked like.

But it's not te all wat Id like to share with you.
I've found some information about him. In 1993 he got arrested because of having some sexual relations with children..
It's hard to find te film about it. But I have link, and you can watch the video here:
It's full version..

Now I want ask all the people who are persuaded that people never change, could he become another person?
I know that he started on these elections with his own party and probably he has changed his political colors but are you sure that if he'll get the power and find some strangth to do that promised feasting, I'm afraid that it would give him great pleasure..Mostly sexual.. It's a little bit stupid, I know. But for a second, could you believe that he'll get to the power? No. But where do such stupid ideas as feasting come from? He has imagination like a sexual maniac, and i think that feasting was his dream... (Freud could be proud of me!!!!)

It's just somereflection about such a strange man as Oleg Liashko. Nevertheless, you can ave your own ideas about all tis stuff,


Friday 2 November 2012

I need to write..

I know I promised to publish some analytics,  but i have had so much work that only now I have a short break. Shame on me!!!
I'm sorry!
I'll try to change. But I have some stuff what I'm proud of. I've finished my chapter of my Masters paper. The second one. It was about the Russia as the regional super power in the region of the Central Asia and Southern Caucasus.
Now I have two write two articles. One about te geopolitical strategy of Russia and the second, I guess, will be about the relationships between Russia and Turkey..

Last few days I read a lot. A lot of poetry. What is really strange for me. I was never fond of poetry.
Some time ago, when I was a child sometimes I was writing some ppoems by myself..
Today I've writen a poem. Again. After a lot break..
I ask you not to criticise me.. It is just my feelings..

Перевернув календаря слегка потертую страницу
как долго ещё мне будет снится под мягким солнцем ноября.
Всё прожитое, всё былое 
что было и что быть могло,
Но не случилось нам такого, 
не значит, ведь, не суждено,
Лишь остается с нами чувство несказаности некой..
ну и пусть! ведь это значит может скоро мне с вами быть когда нибудь.
опять ходить под лунным светом и улыбаться как тогда..
и даже если уж такое и не свершится никогда
мы будем помнить это время, что вместе с вами провели 
и улыбатся словно дети воспоминаниям любви
несостоявшейся пусть даже!
 Ведь было всё предрешено,
 оставив след, как оставляет в бокале красное вино..